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Monday, 14 March 2011

Vacation in eastern Crete: visit the place of 'The Island' by Victoria Hislop!

In case you are fed up with programming and reading several books or manuals, this could be something of a break. This is a brief description of travel experiences in eastern Crete, or Kreta for German speaking people, that is Malia, Ag.Nikolaos, Neapoli, and finally Chersonisos. You can see the map on your left hand side, the position of the island of Crete in the Greek territory. If you have read, watched on television, or even heard of a book called 'The island' authored by Victoria Hislop: printed in many editions, this  is the place mentioned in the text!
You can reach Crete by air, which is more convenient and a shorter trip, and by ship which  can last for 8 hours. Once you arrive, you certainly need a vehicle, because the island is big and there many places worth visiting, starting from...

It is a crowded city, full of shops, traditional pubs, dancing clubs, restaurants etc. There is a fantastic salty  lake and a bridge linking the two parts of the city, which I very much enjoyed walking on. There is plenty of real estate property available here for sale. Pensioners or investors may make bargains. The place is most suitable for families and people who prefer a quiet vacation. In case you 'd rather a more hectic life, what follows might interest you more.

It is a small notorious village in Crete, resembling rather more an English one. That is, it is full mostly of Britons having fun by the beach during daytime, or dancing, getting drunk and raving during the night. Please bear in mind that drunkards often cause riots there and the police arrest many people during the night. Apart from the nightlife, one can visit the archeological site of Malia and see the remains of the ancient palace, near the beach. You can see another picture of its beach below. As you can see part of it is sandy, while another part is rocky.

This the place most loved by northerners. It is full of Scandinavian and German people wandering in its streets, visiting the jewelery, leather, pastry shops   and of course the beaches. The beaches there are mostly sandy and rather crowded. During the night the pubs are full of young people dancing and having fun. The nightlife is here more quiet and peaceful compared to Malia mentioned above.
Neapolis is a provincial town with old, traditional buildings, made mostly by stones. Its streets are narrow, there are only less than a handful   of cars crossing them, so this is  a chance  for you to exercise, by walking or jogging. There are naturally many old fashioned shops and modern department stores as well. The night life in Neapolis is quite peaceful and quiet. On your left hand side, is the view you see every morning outside the window, when you wake up. In addition to all the mentioned places, one can also visit the more high society, aristocratic Elounda and at last what so many people have been longing for: local authorities have announced that the island of Spinaloga will be now open to the public! 
Finally, as far as prices are concerned, some goods such as food and fuel are slightly more expensive than in Athens. On the other  hand, fruit, vegetables and olive oil are fresh, of high quality and at reasonable prices. Besides, the healthy Cretan diet is famous around the world. The people are hospitable, always obliged to the British commonwealth foreigner troops who helped them, all those having fought against the N.A.Z.I. invaders back in May 1941, organizing yearly memorials for the living, now over 90 years old soldiers to remember the ones who have fallen and express their gratitude. Furthermore,  there are plenty of ancient sites to see, lovely sea for sailing and swimming, fisheries and warm climate... Thus, visiting Crete might be an alternative suggestion one has to consider, before booking the  next  summer holidays! 

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Setting up Oracle 11g Complex Event Processing (CEP) server

 The power of change in human life has long fascinated people. Babies are born, other people pass away,  employees are made redundant, others get promoted. Businessmen, or whole states, go bankrupt, while others prosper.  Even at war, a sudden change in weather can reverse the outcome of an initially easy to win, battle. The highly educated executives soon realized that staying informed about  business, environmental, or other changes is of vital importance. That's why they keep asking for suitable dynamic IT tools, such as the business activity monitor (BAM), Business Intelligence (BI) and CEP.
In order to briefly compare the characteristics of each technology, I shall quote a few lines of text of the  new SOA Handbook authored by Lucas Jellema: "BAM may seem very similar to Business Intelligence (BI) as you know it, and of course there is a lot of similarity if not overlap. The key differentiator is the real-time aspect of BAM, along with the active alerting responsibility it has. The scope in time of BAM dashboards is usually fairly short—up to hours or days—and would hardly ever cross the quarter or year boundary, whereas traditional BI tends to take a look at data from a more historic, longer-term perspective in a more passive way."
Let us now focus on CEP. The scope of CEP is less than a hour, in other words the data are as dynamic, as your processor power and network speed permit. As for detailed setup instructions of the CEP server one can visit:

Once you are done with the setup you start the Jetty server and receive the following messages in the Eclipse Galileo 3.5.2 log:

<8 Φεβ 2011 2:36:28 μμ EET> <Notice> <LibExt> <BEA-000000> <The extension library bundle "oracle.jdbc.driver" was started successfully>
<8 Φεβ 2011 2:36:30 μμ EET> <Warning> <Store> <BEA-280101> <The persistent file store "tlog_WlevServer" is forced to use buffered I/O and so may have significantly degraded performance. Either the OS/hardware environment does not support the chosen write policy or the native wlfileio library is missing. See store open log messages for the requested and final write policies. See the documentation on store synchronous write policy configuration for advice.>
<8 Φεβ 2011 2:36:30 μμ EET> <Notice> <LoggingService> <BEA-320400> <The log file C:\Oracle\Middleware\singleServer\user_projects\domains\ocep_domain\defaultserver\server.log will be rotated. Reopen the log file if tailing has stopped. This can happen on some platforms like Windows.>
<8 Φεβ 2011 2:36:30 μμ EET> <Notice> <LoggingService> <BEA-320401> <The log file has been rotated to C:\Oracle\Middleware\singleServer\user_projects\domains\ocep_domain\defaultserver\server.log00016. Log messages will continue to be logged in C:\Oracle\Middleware\singleServer\user_projects\domains\ocep_domain\defaultserver\server.log.>
<8 Φεβ 2011 2:36:35 μμ EET> <Notice> <evs4j> <BEA-2049007> <The cluster protocol is disabled>
<8 Φεβ 2011 2:36:35 μμ EET> <Notice> <BDBProvider> <BEA-2052004> <Created and registered BDBProvider default-provider>
<8 Φεβ 2011 2:36:38 μμ EET> <Notice> <Spring> <BEA-2047000> <The application context for "" was started successfully>
Exception in thread "RMI Reaper" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

For the solution to the problem one needs to consult a useful post published back in 2009:
 in order to edit the file: startwlevs.cmd, found in C:\Oracle\Middleware\singleServer\user_projects\domains\ocep_domain\defaultserver as shown:


@rem Copyright 2006 BEA Systems, Inc.

call ".\setDomainEnv.cmd" %*

set DGC_ARGS=-Xgcprio:deterministic -XpauseTarget=10ms
set DEBUG_ARGS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8453,server=y,suspend=n
set DGC=
set JVM_ARGS=-XX:MaxPermSize=1024m

set DEBUG=
set ARGS=


if "%1" == "" goto endloop

if "%1" == "-dgc" (
) else if "%1" == "-debug" (
) else if "%1" == "-debugPort" (
 set DEBUG=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address="%2",server=y,suspend=n
) else (
 set ARGS=%ARGS% "%1"

goto loop

"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" %JVM_ARGS% %DGC% %DEBUG% -Dwlevs.home="%USER_INSTALL_DIR%" -Dbea.home="%BEA_HOME%" -jar "%USER_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\wlevs.jar" %ARGS%

I quote from the aforementioned blog:

"Is this the final solution?

Not really, if you keep loading loads of new processes or huge number of classes this might delay your Out Of Memory Error but will not fix it.

The only solution?

The only solution is to bounce the server once you see this error.

Where else?

This is a general issue faced by all sun java based servers. When huge number if class are loaded as part of an application, this error is expected."

In short, it seems that not all some things change, some are everlasting and prosperous, such as software defects, which persist against any change in time, wear, version or any attempt to fix! Are java bugs really immortal?

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Setting up Oracle service registry 11.1.1

db options screen shot

Last time  I attended the Oracle day in Athens, Greece, I was impressed by a presales consultant stating that the real difficulties of SOA projects arise not in the first project, but in the second. That is when there is already a prebuilt foundation of services, on which one needs to base the  new applications of the second project. This is the time to prove whether the initial design is worth of the effort, time and money spent.You have guessed  it right, it is all about agility, adaptability to business, or IT changes, and service reuse!
In this new post the installation traits of  Oracle service registry 11.1.1 will be mentioned. No need to clarify the purpose of existence of a service registry within the scope of SOA in this post. You might consult the current SOA governance literature, take for instance chapter 9 of: as an introduction. I quote some text: "In addition to reuse, a service registry can also be helpful when we need to migrate services from one server to the other. This can happen because of various reasons,
but one of the most common reasons is the migration between the development, test, and production environments. A service registry is also helpful when we need to version services and manage changes. With a service registry, we can also develop more loosely coupled composite applications, because we do not need to hard-code the service URLs. Rather, the application will resolve URLs at run time.
Let's now proceed with the setup. The first  installation attempts failed with rather cryptic error messages. Well, another personality trait which is very important to programmers and pretty scarce to find, is not being too lazy to type a helpful error message, when exceptions occur. So, the technical data follow:

OS is windows 7 64bit, not officially tested by Oracle at present

DB version is 64bit

Java version 1.6.0_20 64bit

JDBC driver at C:\app\Nick\product\11.1.0\db_1\jdbc\lib\ojdbc6.jar

The log output follows:

Expanding C:\Users\Nick\Downloads\ofm_osr_generic_11.\oracle-service-registry-11.1.1.jar to C:\Oracle\Middleware\registry111 ...
Building scripts ...
Platform is Windows
Preparing 'admin' account ...
Preparing account_list ...
Preparing permission_list ...
Preparing approval management ...
Creating standalone configuration ...

Java returned: 1
Installation failed. If accessible, see "C:\Oracle\Middleware\registry111\log\install.log".
To correct installation parameters and resume installation click Recovery.

Next come the contents of C:\Oracle\Middleware\registry111\log\install.log:
#Tue Dec 28 15:42:49 EET 2010
porting.https.use=yes Service Registry
install.type.condition=standalone[ SMTP server hostname ]
oracle.database.user=uddiuser Service Registry 11.1.1
[echo] Expanding C:\Users\Nick\Downloads\ofm_osr_generic_11.\oracle-service-registry-11.1.1.jar to C:\Oracle\Middleware\registry111 ...
[echo] Building scripts ...
[echo] Platform is Windows
[echo] Preparing 'admin' account ...
[echo] Preparing account_list ...
[echo] Preparing permission_list ...
[echo] Preparing approval management ...
[echo] Creating standalone configuration ...

[java] C:\Oracle\Middleware\registry111\etc\setup\database.xml:737: The following error occurred while executing this line:
[java] C:\Oracle\Middleware\registry111\etc\setup\database.xml:339: The following error occurred while executing this line:
[java] C:\Oracle\Middleware\registry111\etc\setup\database.xml:422: The following error occurred while executing this line:
[java] C:\Oracle\Middleware\registry111\etc\setup\database.xml:207: The following error occurred while executing this line:
[java] C:\Oracle\Middleware\registry111\etc\db\oracle\installOracleDB.xml:99: The following error occurred while executing this line:
[java] C:\Oracle\Middleware\registry111\etc\db\oracle\installOracleDB.xml:166: Java returned: 1

[java] Total time: 4 seconds
Java returned: 1
Installation failed. If accessible, see "C:\Oracle\Middleware\registry111\log\install.log".
To correct installation parameters and resume installation click Recovery.

However many times one tries, with the options selected as shown in the db options screen shot, the installation fails due to some build error of the db scripts. Although the installation appears to have failed, the db uddiuser schema has been actually created. On the contrary, some people report that one is better off to create the schema on his own, as you can see in the references. Thus, when one runs installation the next time, having selected an existing db schema "Connect to schema" option, all appears to go well. Well, not everything! If one uses jetty instead of weblogic server, the create data source option does not apply. Therefore, one needs to uncheck the selection, in order to avoid receiving a "Cannot obtain new connection" exception.
The morale of the story is quite obvious, if related to the introduction of the current post: the first time is just the basis, the second time is what matters most. Happy new year to you all!

Further references:
OSR - Oracle Service Registry won't create database datasource