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Monday, 12 July 2010

JDeveloper 11g:Using Log4j in EJB projects

Apart from the usual web client interface, a EJB 3 application can be accessed also by a plain Java Standard Edition client. This post clarifies the use of Log4j in the latter form of client. To add the Log4j jar library, double click the project, so that the window of the image appears. As for web based (view) client J2EE projects you can read it here:

All that 's written there is still valid. I would like to add a couple of things. First, you need to create the file in the following path:
A copy of the file is given here for your convenience:
# **Set root logger level to DEBUG and its only appender to A.
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, A
# ***** A is set to be a ConsoleAppender.
# ***** A uses PatternLayout.
log4j.appender.A.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n

Secondly, when it comes to EJB model projects, you need to add the following code in italics, in order to avoid the expensive use of System.out.println() in your client classes:
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class PlaceOrderClient {
static Logger logger =Logger.getLogger("PlaceOrderClient");
/* instead of Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getSimpleName());*/

public static void main(String [] args) {
try {
final Context context = getInitialContext();
PlaceOrder placeOrder = (PlaceOrder)context.lookup("ejb3inaction-Model-PlaceOrder#actionbazaar.buslogic.PlaceOrder");
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
             logger.debug("Exercising PlaceOrder EJB...");
// System.out.println("Exercising PlaceOrder EJB...");

The full source code is available on OTN: 
and is given without any guarantee of support whatsoever.
Finally, in case you prefer working with Eclipse, the process is quite similar. See for example:
If you need more tips about appenders: 

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